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Revolutionizing Amazon Music for learners with personalized guidance, interactive learning, and instant feedback — transforming user experience for seamless enjoyment.

Amazon Music: Advancing the Music Learning Experience

Product Designer

My Role

Laiba Sarwar

Priyanka Nair

Alya Zouaoui


​2023 (1 month)


Initial Client Meeting
User Research & Synthesize
UI Design & Prototype
Client Feedback & Redesign


Rethinking what Amazon Music can look like in the next 5 years with a focus on a music learning aspect.


Music Business


Product Design and Research




Listening to music has a variety of benefits, such as improving memory, mood, mental alertness, sleep quality, and more. The benefits of music do not end there.

Playing an instrument adds the benefit of improving problem-solving abilities, coordination, attention, and overall quality of life. 

89% of our users have tried to learn to play an instrument in the past but ran into several challenges throughout this process that we will address in our new music learning experience for Amazon Music.We hope to make music learning more accessible and enjoyable for users by addressing their needs and pain points from our user research.


  • Creating an interactive learning experience
    Having a progress tracker and providing feedback to users could help them stay motivated and engaged with the learning process.

  • Personalize the learning experience
    Incorporating adaptive learning technologies, filters, personalized recommendations, and allowing users to set their own goals would address users' different learning styles and preferences found in our research.

  • Making chords/sheet music more widely available
    Many users indicated the lack of accessibility to the music they want to learn. Having the ability to play along to songs they love would motivate them to continue learning and mastering their instrument.




Research played a big part in this project because it helped me understand what features are needed and what is not. It also helped me understand what the users' process is while buying tickets and what apps or websites they use.
I decided to send a survey to 14  people that asked about the process the features they would like and what aspects of the Amazon Music app that they want to improve.

User Persona

Competitive Analysis

Affinity Mapping

The login screen provides easy integration with Google and Facebook. 

What features would you like to see in a music learning app?

What do you think would help you learn how to play an instrument?

Have you ever looked for sheet music for a particular song you wanted to learn? If so, have you come across any difficulties finding it?

Likes/Dislikes about the apps/services users used to learn music (ordered by similarity and frequency


Initial Wireframing

By focusing on one specifc instrument and features to add for equalizer based on the research, we created a simple guide on the preferences of how users can be helped in their music learning process.

Hi-Fi Prototype

For the final prototype, users were given the ability to see the process of selecting an instrument for a specific song and learning to play it with the specific sheet or chord music.

Adding the Amazon Music branding and focusing on one instrument was crucial advice while user testing that we fulfilled. 

User Testing

Provided the limited time for this project, we were unable to conduct an elaborate user testing session. However, we were able to connect with professional musicians to gather feedback on our wireframes and designs.

These musicians enjoyed the professional look to our designs as well as the individual features we included, such as the progress tracker and personalization to different skill levels and instruments. The critiques we received included some terminology changes, such as switching “Equalizer” to “Mixer” and including the notes on our chords to make it more friendly to beginner users.

Music Page

Learn to Play Landing Page
Default: Chords Tab

Menu List

Select Instrument

Learn to Play Landing Page
Sheet Music Tab


Adjust Speed Overlay

Settings Overlay


  1. Focusing on one main objective helps greatly impact the design and experience.
  2. Sticking with branding and a simple design can show the features in a clear and concise way.
  3. Surveys and competitive analysis of other music learning apps help solidify the features that need to be added.


Future Recommendations

Offer Community Support
Learning an instrument or music can be a solitary activity, and users may feel isolated or discouraged if they face challenges. Including a community group for new music learners and experienced musicians on the home page of the Amazon Music app could address this issue by connecting individuals who want to practice together, who may have issues with techniques, or who even want to collaborate on songs! A few users mentioned the importance of community support in the music learning process.

Lyric Translations
Music can be an incredibly effective tool for learning a foreign language. Incorporating lyrics translations could open the doors for another learning experience through the Amazon Music app!

Mixer on Main Song Page
Adding the mixer on the main song page can transform the listening experience into a karaoke mode!
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